The above showed up on a Jeep enthusiast tumblr I was looking through this morning. She opted out at age 29, when she might appear to be living the dream. Great looks, body, Jeep, frequently on the mountain trails, also was into shooting pistols, rifles, drinking beer, and cheering at baseball and football games. How come, right? Well, a moment looking at her facebook page peels back the shiny happy life appearance, and a recent or ongoing divorce, plus complete bankruptcy due to her dog's predictable (Great Danes are famous for hip dysplasia) health problems, on top of a recent pregnancy that didn't work out. So, keep in mind that people are often buried under a mountain of problems, and those problems are often of the brief and solved with cash variety. Be a compassionate friend, not a part of the problem. There are simply far too few military vet medical career women hitting the gym who will Jeep, drink a beer, enjoy a ball game, and can group their shots, for any of them to...
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